Where to visit at The Horse Hospital

5 solos with Auguste Vickunaite, Regan Boweing, Zara Joan Miller, Florence Uniacke and Jackson Burto Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wed 12 Jun 2024, 19:30 - The Horse Hospital, London
No one turned away for lack of funds. Email popculture@thehorsehospital.com if you can't swing for a paid ticket and we'll sort you out

Saturday 22 June 2024:
ODD LOGICS: a night of strange manipulations and secret chords. Saturday 22 June 2024

Sat 22 Jun 2024, 19:00 - The Horse Hospital, London
Three international players on the new/experimental music scene (Neil Luck, Angela Wai Nok Hui, Primož Sukic?) present solo and group performances for instruments, objects, voices, recordings, guitars, and other ephemera. Drawing on traditions of object theatre, classical music, free improv, dada & surrealism, all three acts treat sound and gesture as alchemical elements, weirding the everyday int

Saturday 29 June 2024:
Cinematic Exorcisms from the Dark Side of the 1970s Saturday 29 June 2024

The Horse Hospital, London
Lilford Hall (Penny Slinger and Peter Whitehead, 1969) & a live score by The Begotten
Shot over a few days in the abandoned mansion of Lilford Hall with performer Suzanka Fraey, Penny Slinger and Peter Whitehead collaboratively document the erotic and psychic intimacy between the artists in a haunting work of dark surrealism that seeks to exorcise the unspoken and taboo. The unfinished film -

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